Monday, February 25, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!

Okay, so I was tagged over a week ago by my friend from college, Emily (Southern Belle Displaced), but I am just now getting around to posting this. I will tell you the rules:

1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.

2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name.)

3. After you are tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and your answers.

4. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they have been tagged and that they need to read your blog for details.)

L - Laughter. We have a lot of laughter in our house. Even if it is corny, Rob is a funny guy. He and my dad compete with each other to come up with the funniest and corniest jokes. Rachel and Lily have also come up with some of their own "Knock! Knock!" jokes. I love to is contagious.

Y - Years...they pass quickly. I still cannot believe that Rob and I have been married 10 years, and that our oldest daughter is 5 years old!! Where does the time go??? Although my waistline and eye wrinkles tell me otherwise, I still think of myself as being 20...maybe 22. : ) Here's to many more years to come!!

N - Need more sleep. I never feel like I get enough sleep. Especially with multiple kids that end up in our bed nightly. I have resigned myself to the fact that I may not get a good night's sleep for at least 10 more years. So, how do I cope? See the next one...

N - Need coffee daily. I could drink coffee all day. But, since I am still nursing, I try to limit it to just 2 cups in the morning. Even my girls know the importance of mommy having her coffee, and they can tell Rob how to make it for me (he is not a coffee drinker.) I still remember Rachel being about 18 mo. old and noticing that I had finished my first mug of the morning...she held it up and said "Mo' poffee, mommy?" Too cute!! It is also fitting that Lily's favorite part of the Nutcracker is "Coffee" (the dancer); she would drink coffee, too, if I let her.

E - Excited about preparing parents for childbirth. I became a doula (labor assistant) last year, and am passionate about helping women have the births they want. I believe in the strength of women to birth their babies themselves (along with the amazing ways God has created us to do so), and encourage women to be confident in their births, as well as in mothering their children. At some point, I will also get my certification as a Childbirth Educator, and I plan to volunteer as a doula for pregnant teens.

Okay, now, Robin Ann, Heather, Courtney, Kristen, and Melissa...tag! you're it!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

We're still here...just trying to keep our heads above water!

Sorry it has been so long since I posted last. We've been ill and we've been busy.

Seems that the stomach bug made its way through the Chapman household. A week ago Friday (2/8), Rob stayed home to take care of me, Lily, and Ella - all of whom were throwing up! Then, by Friday afternoon, just as I was starting to feel a bit better, Rob started throwing up! Somehow, Rachel seemed to miss out on the "action", but she decided to get sick all on her own this past weekend...she's had a fever of 102 degrees since Saturday; when I took her to the doctor today, we found out that she has the flu (despite having had a flu shot!) So, she is spending her days off from school (today and tomorrow) sick...Rob already informed her this was NOT the way to make the best use of her days off from school...she is supposed to get sick when she can miss school. :) Chalk it up to being a Kindergartener...she hasn't learned these "rules" yet.

This has also been a difficult week with my dad. Last Tuesday, he and my mom came up for his appointment and bi-weekly treatment at Duke. We were told that even if he can improve a little (he's been quite weak since having pneumonia) and continue treatment, we can expect to only have a couple more months with him. Any setback or stopping treatment will cut that time short. On Friday, he was back in the hospital. We found out that he has bleeding in his esophagus - probably from the combination of chemo and his history of acid reflux. Since being hospitalized, his chemo has been stopped, and will not be resumed until his next appt. at Duke next week to reassess if we should even restart it. This is just the kind of setback we were warned about, and can now plan on having even less time with him. My heart is very heavy, but it has been such an encouragement to have such loving friends care for and support us and pray for us during this time. I am so incredibly blessed!!

So, that's what we've been up to.

No real "news" about the girls, but I'll try to think of something to share...

Rachel - she LOVES to read and keep a reading log to be turned in at school every month. When she turned in her log the other week, she had read 611 minutes for the month!! We are hoping this earns her the "top" spot (and prize) for the entire Kindergarten class.

Lily - We enrolled her in preschool - to start in Sept. She'll go to Rachel's old preschool, which she used to point out every time we passed it. Now, she says with excitement, when we pass..."That's MY preschool!!! I go when I'm 3!!" Lily has also been singing sounds she's learned from Sunday School (from her favorite teacher "Miss Sally")...she goes aroudn singing "bwessed Je-us, bwessed Je-us...." She does it when she thinks no one is watching. Too cute!!

Ella - she FINALLY started sleeping through the night at 6.5 months old (the latest of our girls)!! But, that only lasted about 10 days, when she started waking up in pain from teething. She now has one tooth, and another trying to push its way out. This is a new experience for me...nursing a teething child. Rachel and Lily didn't get teeth until they were 11 and 12 months, respectively.

Love and blessings to you all, my dear friends!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Papa's girls

We went to Huntersville (near Charlotte) this weekend to see my parents. Unfortunately, my dad ended up in the hospital on Friday, so we just hung out with them there. [ side note: as it turns out, all his lab work turned out okay, and the doctors don't think his decline was related to his brain tumor, but rather the combination of still recovering from pneumonia and restarting chemo this week...he is just exhausted and needs to time to rest and recover.]

A hospital room is not the easiest place to handle 3 kids, but the girls did pretty well. Rachel and Lily take turns playing "nurse" to Papa - getting him his medicine, making sure he drinks water, etc. There was a family waiting area that had all sorts of kids movies, but nothing to play them on. So, the girls had to watch "Beauty and the Beast: Enchanted Christmas" with their Papa in his room. Of course, having 5 daughters of his own, he is familiar with all things "girly" and enjoyed seeing Rachel and Lily dance around the room. Dad even held Ella for a little while; he loves just looking at her...she looks more like my Helton side than the Chapman side, and this makes him very proud.

Although it is sad for me to think that my girls may not remember much about their Papa, and Ella will likely have no recollection of him at all, I am glad for these at least see my Dad, a very influencial person in my life and who has helped shape the person I have become, with my daughters, who I am trying to influence and shape into the people they will become. These moments are gifts, and even if the girls don't remember it, I will. And we'll have pictures. (These were taken Fall 2007).

Friday, February 1, 2008

Here we are!

So, we've joined the masses and finally started a blog.

For years, when relaying cute little stories about the girls to my mom and sisters, they often ask "have you written that one down?" Of course, my reply is "no."....but I should. I have never been good at journaling, at least not on a regular basis. So, I am hoping this will nudge me in the right direction, and perhaps I will actually get to record some of the funny and cute events in our daily lives. I hope to post at least once a week, but perhaps more than that. You'll just have to keep checking to see if there's anything new.

This blog will mainly be about our girls, thus the name "Chap Chicks", but I may decide to post on other topics from time to time. Either way, we hope you enjoy!!

So, to begin, I'll share one funny story that has happened recently. Lily (who will be 3 in April), has recently been potty-trained, so going potty (and finding a potty in public) has been on her mind a lot. We are planning a trip to Disney World in early April...while on the potty one day, Lily says "I want to go potty in Cinderella's Castle....I want Cinderella to help me go potty." Lily also has panties with the princesses on them; when taking off her Sleeping Beauty pair the other day, she said "I going to give 'em back a her when we go Disney World."