Wednesday, May 21, 2008


There have been many conversations in our house recently about an upcoming birthday party for Lily's friend from dance class, Leah. The thing is, the party will be held at Little Gym, so Rachel has an interest in going for that reason, not that she wants to hang out with a bunch of 3 year olds (although she may not even mind that so much.)

So, here's our conversation at dinner the other night:

Rachel: "Can I go to Leah's party, too?"

Me: "No, this is just for Lily."

Rachel: "BUT I don't have anything going on...I don't have any plans!"

Me: "Yes, but you were not invited. Besides, you don't even know Leah."

Rachel: "Yes, I do. She's in Lily's dance class."

Me: "But you only met her quickly one time at Lily's dance show."

Rachel: "Ohhhh! I was thinking of Erin!! What does Leah look like?"

Lily: " E-ah wear a blue leotard."

It is also important to note that Leah gave Lily a new leotard for her birthday (she just got it from her last week as Leah was unable to make Lily's party.) Lily immediately put it on and said she wants to wear it to Leah's party. I didn't realize she meant until it was time for Leah's party. Since the party was still 9 days away, of course, this was not an option. Some days, Lily tries to trick me, and puts it on, then says, "Today is Leah's party?!?"

Some days they really make me laugh!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Lily turns 3!!

On Saturday, April 19, we celebrated Lily's 3rd birthday...Curious George style! (her acutal birthday is April 16). Here are a few pictures from the fun day!
I thought I could get away with making monkey cupcakes, but Lily wouldn't let me. She wanted a cake of George & the yellow hat. I found a picture online and made this one. It was fun to do.

Lily with her 2 "Best Buddies", William (or Yil-yam as Lily says) and Caroline. Lily loves to smother them with hugs. (Nice tattoos...daddy went a little overboard.)

Jack and Lily are having fun finger painting on the wall...just like George. No's washable!!

Daddy, er, I mean the Man in the Yellow Hat, made an appearance to read a George story. Elijah is very eager to hear every word (he had a George party in Sept., so he must know all the stories by now.)

Lily shares some of her banana split with little sister Ella.

True to her style, Lily's party was a little more low-key than Rachel's seem to be. It is interesting to note the differences in their personalities already. While Rachel has many friends (we once had 25 kids at one of her parties...not including some of their siblings), Lily has fewer but closer friends. Rachel is the social butterfly and makes friends easily. Lily, on the other hand, takes a little while to warm up to people and make close friends. But once you've gained her affections, you'll have them for life.

When we were making the list of who to invite to Lily's party, she wanted to include her Sunday school teacher. Ms. Sally. Ms. Sally could not come the morning of the party, but came by later that afternoon to give her a special gift. Lily was so excited for this special friend to come. We also missed Mallory Pond at the party, but her mommy had just given birth to baby Kiley that the front seat of their minivan. (As it turns out, Mallory was born on the morning of Rachel's 2nd birthday party...seems those Ponds are competing for our birthday party dates!!)

I am so proud of and blessed by Lily. She makes my heart smile with her expressions and caring words. She has such a gentle, sweet spirit. Happy Birthday, Lily!!!