Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The cat with the dirty mouth

Throughout the month of March, when we'd visit my parents on the weekends, we stayed with family friends, Julie and Gary Fuselier. The first weekend, we arrived at the Fuseliers while they were out, and were told where the spare key was hidden and to come on in.

So, while Rob and I were unloading the car, the girls went on in and were checking out the house. On one of our trips back into the house, we found Rachel sobbing and looking quite upset. We quickly noticed that the girls had found the Fuseliers' cat, Snickers. Snickers looked equally frightened, so I wondered if she had scratched Rachel. Then Rachel says, through her tears, "That cat said a bad word!!" I couldn't help but giggle. Just then, Snickers hissed at us, and showed her teeth. I asked "Like that? Was that the bad word?" Rachel just nodded.

To add to it, the next morning, as we were coming downstairs for breakfast, Lily announced, "I not like that cat Snickers! She said a bad word to my sister!" I guess I should be proud that Lily is so defensive of her big sister.

After many weekends there, Snickers got used to us, and never said a bad word again.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Playing "Catch Up"

Yes, I know, I know...I am SOOO overdue for a post. We've been a bit busy for the last 6 weeks, and have been playing catch up for the last week or so. I have to admit I have not completly unpacked our suitcases from a week ago. The day of my last post, my Dad went under the care of hospice. We spent every weekend in March, and some of the days in between, with my Dad in his final days. He went home to be with the Lord on March 30. It was a good last month...we took a family trip to Boone for 3 days, with all of my sisters, all 9 of the grand kids, and my parents. We were able to visit with lots of old friends who came to visit my Dad, and celebrated Easter together (the last time all 17 of us were together). Here are a few pictures from March.
Ella and Papa on Easter Sunday

Lily gives Papa a big kiss!!

Me and Dad

My cousin Jonathan (visiting from CA) bought ice cream/ popsicles for everyone when the ice cream truck drove by Papa and Gramma's house. Here, he's joined by neighbor Jenna, Rachel and Lily.

Dad's memorial service was truly a Celebration of his life. Even I was struck by the impact he had made on so many people. It was very touching to see so many and hear their stories about my Dad. He truly did live his life to point others to Christ. In his death, it was the same. He would've loved the service!! There was a lot of laughter as well as tears, along with songs of worshipping God and remembering an incredible man of God. Many of the stories about my Dad had to do with his driving...most people hang onto the door handle while riding with him...or had to do with his love of ice cream. This picture was on the front of the program for the service:

For more information about the service, you can go to the CaringBridge site. My sister Melanie (with help from her husband) wrote a recap of the celebration we had, in the journal entry dated April 3.

There have been several articles (and even a blog post by journalist David Poole) written about my dad. Here is one of the better ones. Also, in their local Huntersville paper, there were some good articles years ago about my dad. One of my favorites tells about my dad's adventures with the Olympic Torch Relay around the world in 2004. Another well-written one by the same journalist, chronicles my Dad's 40 years in ministry.

Rachel and Lily (although more so Rachel) do have some questions about their Papa. Rachel has been sad at times, and even started crying really hard at the memorial service. Rob and I could not stop our own tears, seeing her so broken up about Papa and missing him. All along, she has had questions about Papa and how he got cancer. I think she's worried about Rob or I getting cancer, as we also know about (and have been praying for) two little girls with cancer...So, in her reasoning, anyone can get cancer. One night, in a very serious and grown up tone, Rachel said "Mommy, try not to get sick." On the positive side, we've had opportunity to discuss with both girls the concepts of heaven and being with Jesus. Already having accepted Jesus as her Savior, Rachel is glad that she will get to see Papa again in heaven. Both girls have said they are happy that Papa is better, no longer sick, in heaven. It is amazing to me how much their little minds can grasp...these are such big concepts that even adults struggle to realize, and yet, they are so simple, in many ways, to the minds of children.
The next few weekends will continue to be busy for us. Next Wednesday, April 16, Lily will turn 3!! We're celebrating with a Curious George birthday party on April 19. The following weekend, April 26, we'll participate in the Angels Among Us walk to support Brain Cancer Research at Duke. (check out our team products at where proceeds are donated to Duke). The following weekend (May 2-7), we'll be heading to Florida...we'll see some relatives and then go to Disney World!!!

In short, the girls are doing great. Rachel is becoming a whiz on the computer, and loves typing her own journal entries (perhaps I will let her blog sometime) :) and playing games from different kids' websites. Lily is silly and entertaining to watch. She is so excited about turning 3 and feels more like a "big girl." Lily is also becoming more and more affectionate with her sisters, particularly Ella. She has always loved her sisters, but just seems to have more of a tenderness with impromptu hugs and big smiles and kisses for Ella. It is so sweet to watch. Ella is growing so quickly and is so strong. She does not have much interest in crawling, and may just skip it all together. She is much more interested in being upright, holding fingers and walking...and she is not even 9 months yet!!! She has figured how to lean and reach, and roll and stretch, and scoot to get what she wants. She's definitely creative.

Blessings to you all, friends!!